Sunday, March 27, 2011

Building the Dream Weapon

Been fantasizing about "superdrums" ever since the SWANS show a few weeks back. Distorted, pulsating, sinister, and formless, with no beginning and no end.

Like an endless riff on the midsection here

Ironically, this appeared right in front of my house the day after I picked up my new drum machine.


a new animal said...

i know i'm like "#1 blog fan" and comment all over this thing, but i just wanted to say...
hell yes to getting excited over more amorphous and less formulaic tunes! yes, there are actually tunes in there. (talking in general, not nec. about NIN).

p.s. if you can't physically smash the hippies, at least smother them in doom clouds of noise. re: bumper sticker

p.p.s the word verification on this is "hermi"

Jason said...

#1 FAN! Doubly-ironic that we're essentially proposing to smash the hippies with a drum circle of doom