Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bedtime for Bonzo

As I head out on another tour of bodily punishment, a part of me is dreaming of an Ian MacKaye life of gardening, drinking tea, and going to bed early.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Parents Playlist

Tunes from a weekend in the company of parental units and other assorted Halals.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Retro is Poison

Good critique of the surge of TV shows reinforcing and banking on outdated gender roles; widen the lense a bit for a jab in the face of an obsession that's rapidly choking itself into meaninglessness.
Retro is an addiction that rages out of control in a recession; the more we drink it in — the more times we remake “Charlie’s Angels” or wish for a return of stewardesses and other clear-cut visual cues of gender rigidity — the less able we are to move forward and come up with our own ideas.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Anal Probing Aliens

Just returned from an epic evening of the strangest proportions. A night that began attached to a million wires in a foreign bed on Nob Hill, and ended in a diner eating pancakes at 6 am with Creedence playing overhead. And I still got the goo in my hair to prove it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011


Slowly making my way to the rest home for aging punks. Excited to use this line from George Carlin (I've actually been doin it for years):
One great thing about getting old is that you can get out of all sorts of social obligations just by saying you're too tired.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Double Vision

Incarnation one, followed by two. Hard to believe it's the same band. Need this!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Countdown Begins

Final week as a 20 year old, err... whatever, you know what I mean.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

On Being "Against Nature"

From an awesome book I picked up yesterday on homosexuality throughout history:

This kind of argument is ridiculuous because men forget that they are part of nature themselves; if some aberration develops within them it is caused by nature acting within them. I have never been able to understand why intelligent men fail to see how absurd and pretentious it is to mention something which could exist outside nature or in opposition to it, because we can have no knowledge of anything which is not within nature; we are phenomena of nature and an integral part of it... If homosexuality is perverse, then we are forced to find nature itself perverse.

Seems to me that anyone who makes the "against nature" argument doesn't really want to grapple with the dizzying complexity of the world we live in; a pompous explanation for a place that is so much bigger than us. Get over yourself!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back from the East

With a head full of memories, a twinkle in my eye, and a grip of new brain toys. Top 5, in no particular order (or ARE they???)

Lovers in the House of Halal:

Boston minimal wavers on a comeback with the help of my sis:

25 year old bearded George Castanza party boy:

Deutschland's forgotten space rockers:

And finally, why is this dude running through a snowstorm holding an ice cream cone?