Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Maniacal Metal

Beyond siked to revisit this heavy metal hideout next month deep in the suburban wasteland of Vienna, Virginia. Turns out this is the guy who released the ACID and TANK live LPs a few years back; an ancient bard who's seen more than most can imagine and is still around to tell the tales. For Christ's sake, the man saw PENTAGRAM at CB's with the CRO MAGS and GOVERNMENT ISSUE!!!

Until then, some treasures from the vaults:

Somethings I Learned Today

1) I should give up on arguing because I stink at it (and most of the time it's just my ego playing defense).

2) You can be the friendliest person in the world, but it's all hollow until unless you get your shit done.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


The last few weeks have been grim here at NA. So in an effort to lighten the mood, I present... Ghaleon!

I met this dude last year at Folsom Fair, where he asked to take my photo shirtless. I took him up on the offer, he gave me his card, and then I lost it in the depths of my room until the big purge this weekend. A sampling from his vast media empire:

Old video game reviews on Althena's Temple:

Shirtless randos on modelmayhem (that coulda been me):

"Hot men showing off their armpits" at Pitstalker:

Aaaand Movies with Male Bondage!

Saturday, November 5, 2011