Friday, December 3, 2010

Random Thoughts

1) Forgive me. I've been collecting alot of quotes lately, something I've always thought was a little hokey (anyone who's ever received an email with a Ghandi quote at the end knows exactly what I mean). But for some reason I find myself wanting to hold on to the funny, poignant, or just downright outrageous ones, so expect some of those to be archived here.

Life is like Sanskrit read to a pony.

-Lou Reed

2) Know that feeling when you realize that a band you like, or you think you might like, is responsible for a song you HATE? Case in point (and this isn't that strong an example): I'm seeing Primal Scream, thinking "man, this is so great" and then they go into "Get Your Rocks Off," from that one record I really want but can never bring myself to pay for, and all the corporate alterna-rockers in the crowd start dancing and singing along. No, this isn't quite HATE, but it certainly taints the experience. Anyways, something like that happened this morning while listening to my new Big Pink LP, when on comes "Dominoes," a song so atrocious on so many levels, that they just can't be forgiven. Of course, these are always the ones that get stuck in your head all day, taunting you like a motherfucker.

To wipe the pain away, here's the best song from that Primal Scream album. I won't even dignify the Big Pink with a good song of theirs, I'm so bitter.

3) Saw Burial last night, a German band playing "Burning Spirits" style Japcore ala Death Side, Tetsu Arrei, etc. Not bad, but I couldn't stop thinking about the absurdity of Germans playing a uniquely Japanese brand of music, which then got me thinking about the even weirder combo of Japanese bands playing black American R&B, like Blues Creation's "Mississippi Mountain Blues," or to a lesser degree, Stackwaddy (who are English) singing "I'm going to Kentucky... oh yeah... I'm going to Kentucky." Ridiculous, I tell you. RIDICULOUS. Anyways, this is an amusing video in that vein.

1 comment:

a new animal said...

re: Primal Scream playing "rocks off"
seriously! way to piss in the punch bowl guys. i think i actually left at that point, sacrificing the encore.

i wanted to hear this more than anything: