A hell of a name for one hell of a compilation. Unfortunately the image here is too small to do justice to the amazingness of the cover art which features cartoon dismemberments, flesh eating frogs and vegetables in/around vaginas. Even if the music wasn't good, I would recommend this on the cover art alone.
All the classic Texas bands are represented here from Really Red (check out a cool interview with RR's U-Ron here) to DRI and the Offenders. The Big Boys offer up an exclusive track "Big Picture," which is slow and brooding and great. Suprise standouts include Stick Men With Rayguns, Marching Plague, Bang Gang and Prenatal Lust, none of which I know anything about but they all deliver great tracks. "I Hate My Job" by the Butthole Surfers is another highlight, especially the intro: "Hey! This is for fuckin Mark fucking B. and John fucking O'Rourke. And I can't say their full god damn names cause their fuckin corporate shit are gonna sue my ass! I'm tired, I'm frustrated, I'm full of shit, and I hate my fuckin' job!" Sadly the last two tracks from the Dicks and Watchtower are disappointing and out of place with the rest of the bands. All in all, though, Cottage Cheese... is an essential compilation. And the cover art!

If you want I can hook you up with MP3s of Stick Men With Ray Guns's Some People Deserve To Suffer. That is if you are into MP3s already.
The Stick Men With Ray Guns (SMWRG) song Christian Rat Attack was censored without our knowledge or permission by the owner of the studio prior to the album's release. The spoken word intro was removed and the entire song was remixed to bury the controversial lyrics in echo. The tape containing the original mix was stolen for us by Gibby Haynes and appears on the SMWRG 2002 CD release Some People Deserve to Suffer. Long out of print on CD, it is currently available for digital download on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Spotify, and outlets worldwide.
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