Friday, February 25, 2011

With Flowers In Our Hair

In anticipation of a massive, sprawling, new age-y weekend with my sweetie.

S: it seems you need some convincing re: Naked Hippy. Here's all the evidence you need

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mad, Bad, and Dangerous To Know

Bryonic Hero: prominent literary character type of the Romantic period, whose characteristics include extraordinary intelligence and perception; high level of education and intellectual prowess; arrogance; cunning and manipulation; emotional conflictedness; moodiness; self-criticism and introspection; self-destructive behaviour; aesthetic sophistication; dark mysterious beauty; powers of attraction; seductiveness and sexual perversion; world-weariness; distaste for social institutions and norms; disrespect of social ranks; being an outcast, an outlaw, or an exile.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Covert Opps

Seems everyone and their moms is jumping on this Tumblr bandwagon and I've become a neo-luddite farting away on this lame blog that nobody reads anyways. Well I don't spend enough time surfin the intertube to keep up with this fast-paced action-packed blog world, so it's stayin this way til indefinitely.

Been meaning to post these lil sonofabitches for a while now. Shadowy, cryptic, real life patches from the US government's agents of black arts. Hilariously terrifying. Story and more photos here.

And on a non-government-takeover note, this is just a good ol' fashioned patch that looks cool on your demin minus the self-hatred.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


But gongs, saxaphones, and pink trousers are treating me right.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011