Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Could Eat a Nob at Night

"Come together and annoy Karl. He is your leader. He is your messiah! He is your god! And he fucking hates it." - Ricky Gervais

If you don't know this round-headed little twat, here's a quick primer from Pilkipedia. Then enjoy him being abused on the trailer from his new show.

It was Karl himself who best summed up his worldview: "I don't like fun". He is not a fan of holidays, parties, traveling, or anything that has to be planned in advance. Maintaining relationships with family and friends is a tremendous hassle for him. He is also largely indifferent to some of life's great pleasures, like sex and music.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Music is Bad for You

Much as I dislike the generation of tragically hip yabbos associated with VICE, I give the magazine credit for consistently producing cutting-edge, irreverent, and thought-provoking content. (Though it must be noted that my little sis works for them and, in terms of compensation, they're a bunch of cheap bastards).

Here's an excerpt from The Misuse of Music by none other than Ian "the Spiv" Svevonius, which asks: should "music’s paradigmatic status... be reconsidered and even overturned"?

Music has an intoxicating effect on people. Is there any intoxicant that hasn’t been proved to have adverse qualities? For all of methamphetamine’s amorous inducements, for example, crank leads to bags under the eyes and bad breath. Cocaine is considered a wonderful high, but it results in tedious monologues and poor decision-making. Marijuana was extolled by none other than bathrobed sex guru Hugh Hefner himself, but it ends up inducing grumpiness and underarm odor.

Meanwhile, music apparently leads to DEATH. And not a lush, orgasmic death as with a morphine overdose, but a horrible death like drowning in a swimming pool, choking on vomit, or turning blue while bent around a bedpost or a toilet in a fleabag motel.

The rest here.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm With Stupid

Highlights from Cardiac Arrest's debaucherous weekend in the Bay

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Little Red Rooster

I don't recommend this look to anyone, but Brian Jones? NAILED IT

Friday, August 6, 2010

Def Metal Fist Pump

Pretty great vid of Lee-era Napalm Death on a kiddie program circa '89. Classic move by a mustachio'ed Mitch Harris around 2:10.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Big in the Philippines

Picked up the Wild Swans' iconic "Revolutionary Spirit" single a few weeks ago. I was never completely sold on this tune, but as it turns out, it's the b-side that's the real winner. Maybe I'll seek out the Renascent collection after all.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Mom just got an iPhone and is texting me like a drunk high school girl. Choice cut:

"But enuf,
abt me--what bat u? How
the show go?"